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Internet has evolved as a major money making platform in the last few years. A number of new methods have come up that allows you to earn more, take care of your bills, expenses, and help lead a lavish lifestyle. The methods are a great way to earn some additional income for a few, while others survive on the same. There is practically no limit to the amount that one can earn and depends on the interest, knowledge of the field and efforts put in among others. Forum posting has emerged as a new and preferred alternate in the modern times to earn money online.
The greatest point that speaks in favor of the forum posting is that they are extremely popular among people of all ages around the globe and any topic is able to generate interest and discussion with ease. All you need to do is search for a form related to the topic you are interested in on a search engine, visit a form, make a profile and start a discussion. Just wait for some time and see the comments flowing in. This brings us to the question that how exactly the forums can help one make money. Here are a few detailed points that can help you out.
Helpful tips on how to make money using forums
Driving Traffic to Your Site
Forums can act as a big source of traffic and that in turn can be used to make money. Now this can be done in two ways. In both cases, you would need to identify the forums that has visitors or threads related to the niche your site is about. In the first way, all you need to do is be active on the discussions and try to initiate a few discussions that are either able to cause a kind of controversy or gain the attention of others. The interesting the discussion, more are the chances of people commenting or reading the same. So where is the money part here? Wait for some time before other users of the forum are aware about you and then tell them about your site, products and services in detail. Many of them not only would be interested in the same but would also refer others in case the products or services are of the desired standard.
Secondly, you can add a signature in your comments with a link to your site. Interested users would click on the same to visit your site and you can make money by selling products and services, displaying advertisements or by affiliate marketing.
Completing Tasks
A few forums including myLot have a task section where users post their needs for others to complete and make money. All you need to do is sign up, get in touch with the client, complete the job as per the instructions within the desired period, and earn money. Payments are generally done by PayPal.
Forum Posters
The point is generally valid for new forums where the form owner is looking for more members and regular posting is necessary to keep up the interest. They hire forum posters and you get money in return of forum posting. The rates generally start from one cent per post. You can surely increase the price as traffic starts building up and may even earn up to $60 per hour.
There are a few older forums as well that pay you for posting comments that attract discussions. You can even post a picture. The forums make money using advertisements and pass on a part of the earnings to keep the members motivated and interested. The only point to understand here is that one must post informative and interesting comments in order to earn more. Comments like ‘yeah’ or ‘yes’ would not lead to any monetary gains.
What You Need to Do as a Forum Poster?
The very first thing you need to do is consider the ways you are interested in making money using the forums. If you are interested in sending traffic to your site and earn money through ads and affiliate marketing, here is what all you need to do.
- Identify the area/ niche you are interested in.
- Identify the methods of monetization – Ads, Affiliate Marketing, CPM, and Direct Selling among others.
- Buy a domain name
- Buy hosting space
- Create a website. You can opt for software like WordPress for the same or go in with HTML coding
- Put in content and add the methods of monetization.
- Identify the forms that belong to the same niche as your site or products.
- Sign up with them
- Create a signature. If they do not allow it, better to look for alternative.
- Start commenting to direct traffic and make money.
For making money by completing tasks and forum posting, all you need to do is sign up with the related forum. Remember to enter the details about you to win the trust of probable clients and forum owners.
I love joining and interacting in forums. I do not just enjoy interacting with people who has the same interest as mine, but get to earn money also through it.